Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day Two and Day Three

Busy couple of days here. Yesterday I had a quick audition and then hit the gym for my regular workout: 30 minutes on the bike, my super-set weight workout, and then the elliptical for another 30 minutes. I've got to tell you though, I started on that elliptical machine and was so tired from not getting enough sleep and the workout itself that after 5 minutes I'm thinking, "I'm just going to do fifteen minutes, that'll be enough." Then I went another 5 minutes and thought, "Yeah, fifteen minutes sounds reasonable . . ." Then, as I approached the fifteen minute mark, I realized that Bond, and the men who play him, would do the full thirty. So I dug in and kept going and thirty minutes later I jumped off that thing, happy I'd gone the distance.

You know what? That's the thing - the talking ourselves out of things, the legitimization of half steps - that makes us trip up and take longer to achieve those things that are readily achievable. Sure, it's easier not to jump in the car and go to the gym but I always feel better after I've gone. Yes, it's easier to grab the pre-made food, and accessible soda in that can, but I always feel better after I've eaten healthy food. The thing about getting into shape is that it's filled with pitfalls simply because the benefit comes after the effort, not during or even before. You've got to pay up front to reap the rewards that come later. After years of working out, I love being in the gym and seeing the changes and the improvement. I love feeling the change, being able to do something I wasn't able to before. Even if I leave for a while, I always feel right coming back.

I think that's something that many people feel they won't connect with. I think that the gym can be an overwhelming place for folks because they feel like they don't belong, or maybe they're being judged, or that they feel intimidated going somewhere where people seem to know what they're doing with large machines and instruments that seem better fitted for extracting information from enemy combatants. The truth is that everyone in there started out having to learn how to workout. If you feel intimidated, hire a trainer for a few sessions and you'll soon feel like you belong - because you do!

I kept to my diet well yesterday. We had a roast chicken (no skin for me), potatoes, and broccoli for dinner. Later I had my snack of strawberries and yogurt, some cashews, and a piece of whole wheat bread (homemade) and honey.

Today I missed my workout as I had another audition, and then later a root canal - yay! I still ate well all day, and for dinner my wife made a fantastic bourbon chicken recipe over organic brown basmati rice and peas - yum! Same old snack and a lot of water.

I'm ready for the gym again tomorrow and am excited to get back on that elliptical trainer! Hope everyone is feeling upbeat about their own journeys if anyone happens to be on one, and upbeat about yourselves in general!! Happy eating and happy health!


  1. if bond can do it, so can you.

    best mindset ever!

  2. You are my best friend in blog form >< wish we were workout buddies! I find it's really hard to talk myself out of a set if I have someone right next to me. It also helps if they laugh at my weakness...
