Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Concept

Okay, so here's the deal. Starting January 1, 2008 I decided that I needed to get healthier. I decided to go back to basics and made the change to organic foods and making as much food from scratch as I could. I stopped buying bread and pasta and began making my own. I started making my own BBQ sauces and cooking everything from basics. The main caveat was to avoid processed foods and preservatives. I got back to the gym. I was militant. I lost 50 lbs in about 8 months. It was a much needed weight shed and I dropped down to a low of 148lbs. The one thing that still dogged me however was an inability to drop the last layer of fat over what had become pretty solid muscle. It was the usual suspects at work: love handles and man boobs.

Over the last couple of months with a new baby in the house and stress from the work front, some of our tough principles gave way to ease and I've put back on probably 15 or 20 lbs from my low. Frankly it's something that has really been bugging me because we're still eating healthy and I'm still at the gym, it's just the laxness of the eating habits plus a change in medication.

Today however I turn a new leaf, a leaf I've been very excited about and one that I've been planning for a while now. Watching "Quantum of Solace" the other day with my wife (I'm a huge Bond fan), I looked at Daniel Craig and thought "I wonder if I can get myself looking like that?" For some reason my wife seemed eager for me to try, so I resolved to get back to my more militant eating habits while upping the ante (fewer carbs, no refined foods) and back to the gym with a new emphasis on cardio (which I already hit fairly hard). I also decided to log my journey from blah to a physique worthy of Bond in this blog to keep me motivated, but also to have a record for myself and hopefully enthuse others about healthy eating and exercise!

Now, I'm under no illusions that I will challenge Mr. Craig for the Bond crown, nor that I will even achieve the same level of fitness as we don't have the same genetics (and I'm not using any fat burners), but I think that at the very least this will be an entertaining trip to take with friends. I promise I don't, and won't, take myself too seriously in all of this, and I promise to be funny as I keep you appraised of my progress. Please join me and leave comments, and if you decide to undertake your own trip, let us know how you're journey is going!


  1. I've been trying for years to get in shape. I've been unhealthy for most of my life, so I am definitely ready for a change. It's difficult, though, to find time to exercise and prepare healthy food while being a full-time student. I suppose it's my own lack of discipline that is causing me to procrastinate, but perhaps reading your blog will inspire me to get off of my arse and get moving.

    So, I will say thanks in advance for starting this blog. (By the way, keep up the great acting work!)

  2. I too have started to get healthier. I quit smoking,joined a water arobics class,eat better healthier foods(even though my husband is from the hills of Virvinia and blieves if it is fried died and petrified it is ready to eat).several tricks I learned is to only put the salad dressing on the side and dip it in, use anything around the house for weights(kids love this!!)Dance with your wife you don't have to be Fred to her Ginger but the love is there.(my hubby and I do this all time when cooking breakfast.)very the music fast slow what ever!
    take a hike and take pics of wildlife.(ok if not a hike thena walk around block.)your body needs the sun to create and absorb different neutrients.Play in the pak with your family swings,slide,merry go round,the works your kids will love it and you can be a kid again.
    more later.
    ps forgive the typing,grammer,and spelling I have a bad back and sitting is very painful at times.and the water class it is a wonderful work out. you need new sea leggs after first class.

  3. I have been fight weight problems ever since I had my youngest son, he will be 15 soon, I am gonna try what you have posted and I do hope I can lose some weight, I am medically retired and cannot get around very well Thats why I have gained so much weight

  4. I measured my waist today and it has gone down a few inches by just elimitnating preservatives, I am allergic to milk and whole wheat so I aliminated store bought bread and made my own in my bread maker my husband gave me years ago, I am gonna keep doing what you have said.

  5. I know this comment is about three years late.. but thank you for sharing! I am hitting the gym and still putting on love handles.. so your dedication has inspired me to try harder! You are totally as sexy as Bond ^__~
